Buteyko Breathing

North Jersey PT sponsored Patrick McKeown to come train North Jersey Physical Therapy therapists in the Buteyko Breathing Method.The method is aimed at reducing breathing to promote our bodies to be in a state of relaxation and equilibrium, and break the cycle of sympathetic overdrive or being in a state of constant “fight or flight.”  It was created by a Russian physician, Dr. Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko, around 1952.Because our systems are stuck “on,” many of us have the tendency to breathe too much (clinically known as chronic hyperventilation), which alters the level of the gases in the blood and leads to numerous problems.  Some signs of dysfunctional breathing include mouth breathing, hearing breathing during rest, excessive sighing, frequent yawning, regular sniffling, and taking deep breaths before talking. Things that can lead to dysfunctional breathing include over eating, lack of exercise, excessive talking, stress, high temperature in the home, and asthma.Through a series of breathing exercises we are able to reset the respiratory centers in the brain and restore the normal balance to the system and allow the body to be in a parasympathetic state, or a state or relaxation and equilibrium. Through the Buteyko Breathing Method we are able to help patients change their pain levels and use it in conjunction with other treatment methods and modalities to address headaches, neck pain, jaw pain, low back pain, pain from fibromyalgia, as well as other forms of soft tissue pains.Call to schedule an appointment with a North Jersey Physical Therapy therapist today to see how we can help you decrease your pain and improve your quality of life.

Dry Needling