What Is Active Release Technique (A.R.T.)

A.R.T. is a soft tissue method that focuses on relieving tissue tension via the removal of fibrosis / adhesions which can develop in tissue as a result of overload due to repetitive use.  These disorders may lead to muscular weakness, numbness, achiness, tingling and burning sensation.  A.R.T. has been reported to be both a diagnostic and treatment technique.The design of A.R.T. is three fold:

  1. To restore free and unimpeded motion of all soft tissue.

  2. To release entrapped nerve vasculation and lymphatics.

  3. To re-establish optimal texture resistant function of soft tissue.

It involves the lengthening sliding motion of soft tissue (nerves, ligaments, muscles and fascia) conditions.

  1. Strains

  2. Hamstring Flexibility

  3. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  4. Muscle weakness secondary to scar tissue and fascial restriction inclusive of post-surgical scars.

  5. Myofascial pain

  6. Tendonitis

  7. Bursitis

Exercise is key:A.R.T. is combined with key flexibility and strengthening exercises to stop faulty overuse and muscle memory.Balance and Proprioception:Balance and proprioception activity is introduced early.  Effective balance and proprioception exercises are designed to restore kinetic awareness of the patient.  These exercises form the basis for agility, strength and endurance for complete rehab.Cardiovascular:Aerobic exercises are key to improving circulation to bring oxygen back to oxygen deprived tissue from strains and chronic soft tissue pain disorders such as myofascial pain.A.R.T. is for all people with painful conditions, young, old, athletes, sedentary, sports injuries or de-conditioning, acute pain, chronic, persistent pain.A.R.T. assesses biomechanical dysfunction that is often at the ROOT CAUSE of injuries.  People in pain do not move like people without pain.  Pain also changes how muscles work.
